Brandon, a new member of White Chapel, discussed the inspiration and concept behind their new album. The band aimed to return to their original heavy, brutal sound while incorporating a fresh perspective. The album’s concept, developed by Phil, revolves around a cult, with lyrics sung backward in English. Brandon highlighted the challenges of recording drums early in the process and the collaborative writing process despite geographical distances. The album features themes from the seven deadly sins and includes standout tracks like “Prisoner 666” and “Mammoth God.” Upcoming tours in the US, Canada, and Europe are planned, with potential future dates in Australia.

No worries. So welcome. You’re very new to White Chapel, aren’t you?


Officially since last August. So I guess that’s about like seven months, 8 months now.


But you were touring with them prior to that?


Yeah, yeah. Since I think early 2022, end of 2021.


Yeah, awesome. So you had a so you had a big hand in this new album. Yeah, that’s great. Did you want to tell me a little bit about, like, the inspiration behind it? Like I had to listen to the full album and it’s quite mesmerizing, actually. And yeah, I just want to know a little bit more behind the inspiration and concept behind it.


Well, so I think, you know, I mean, the most of the inspiration was I think the guys really wanted to return to their original sound a little bit more. So obviously I quit the Valley and Ken knew he did a lot more kind of progressive stuff and I wasn’t around for the albums. But I know they were trying to kind of push the limits of the sounds that they could create as a band and incorporate more clean vocals and more kind of dynamic range and stuff like that. And I think they felt like they kind of had explored that as far as they could for the time being.

So they wanted to kind of go back and do just straight up heavy brutal record. So my for me, I think the inspiration was kind of like to take the original sound, but with a fresh outlook on it. You know, everything that was learned during the valley and the can and kind of like do the original style, but have a more mature and fresh kind of outlook in it. So I think there’s still are some kind of moments where it’s they’re similar to the past 2 records, but it’s definitely more in line with with the first record or so. So yes, I think that was kind of as the inspiration as far as like the, the overall sound and vibe that we were going for. Yeah. And then I think with the concept, I know, I know it’s that’s kind of like Phil’s Maine. I think Phil really well wanted to make it scary again. It’s kind of his thing making metal kind of as scary as possible.

So I think the general concept is this kind of a continuation of this is Exile. So what he wanted to do was to make the album about a bunch of cultists, right? And the songs that you’re hearing is basically the hymns that the cultists are singing, kind of. So yeah, it’s all, it’s all very heavy, dark, brutal stuff, you know? So I think people, if you’re fans of that, are going to like it.


Whitechapel supporting Thy Art Is Murder – The Forum Melbourne 2023


Oh yeah, no. I spoke to a few fans over the weekend and they’re looking forward to this new album coming out, and I was like, I think you’re going to enjoy it. Like it’s going back to the roots and it’s going to be quite like, amazing. Yeah. Even with that, like I listened to the song when I was listening to the title track, I was like, is he speaking English? Because like a parts of it. And then I looked at the lyrics and I was like, I have no idea what language that is or what dialect that is. Like, it’s, it’s awesome. But I’m like.


What do you think? It’s English, but it’s backwards.


But he’s so much sense, yeah.


He’s saying the English words backwards. So if you read the lyrics, yeah, basically you would just read it. I think it’s in the same order, but the words are backwards, you know what I mean? So you just flip the words around, I think. I’m pretty sure. I can’t remember exactly, but yeah.


There’s been a few.


People, there’s been a few people like, is that like Latin or something? It’s like, no, no, it’s just just English but.


English, but backwards, Yeah, no, I wonder.


If you guys actually tried to like play it backwards and see, oh, it sounds I don’t, you know what I mean.


I think I’m going to have to do that after this, but yeah, no, I like I and even the video for that. It was the concept around the video with the cultists and everything. And even like the location that you did it in, it had this illusion that like because it was in a cave, it was like you could be upside down. Like it just gave that illusion of like didn’t matter which way you’re kind of facing. It was like either you were standing on the ceiling or you were standing on the floor.

Like it, it was a really good like idea. And around all of the giving that horror feel to the film clips as well as the album, like it’s, I can’t wait to see if you guys are going to do any more video clips for any other songs on the albums. Oh.


Yeah, Yeah. We have one that’s done so that I think that is going to come out when the album comes out or maybe like a day before or something. And then I’m sure we’ll do another video or two, I’m sure. But yeah, so as of right now, we have 1 for. I won’t give it away, but there will be another one that comes.


Out that’s good. And I’m, I’m, I’m guessing it’s still going to be on theme with the whole horror concept. And is it going to have a, a warning label on it to suggest that there will be explicit scenes?


I actually don’t know. I haven’t seen the finished product yet, so we’ll see how how violent it is, but it’s definitely there’s gonna be more fire, that’s for sure.

So the enhance there was some we set like eye on fire actually in the video. So it’ll have some more fire. Now we’re not setting anybody else on fire, but you know more more pyro and stuff like that. And this one is actually, well, parts of it are finally not in The Cave, so at least there’s that. Some people are like, oh, they’re still in The Cave. You know at least parts of it will be outside of The Cave, so.


Yeah, that’s awesome. So it’s kind of like the progressing out because yeah, like even like reading behind like the inspiration for it. You’ve got Sin of Gluttony. What was the other one? Sins of sloth and sin of wrath. Like those inspirations into it. Like the seven deadly sins, like me being someone who loves history and all of that, kind of like colty kind of stuff. I love like the whole concept of bringing in those sins into an album and like how it’s seen in the songs is actually really great.

Like was that is that like the other inspiration behind it is like having those seven deadly sins in a concept with like the Coltie Satanist kind of vibe?


To be honest, I’m not sure that Phil handled like, I think pretty much all the lyrics. So he knows like all the details behind that stuff. Whereas I kind of was more involved with like the musical background and stuff like that. So, yeah. So to be honest, I don’t know. I can’t really give you a good answer on that question, but I’ll have to ask him about it next time I talk to him.


Yeah, no worries. So with your part in the like, writing the songs and everything like that, what was the main part that you played in writing these new songs?


Mostly the drums, but I feel like there were some parts where, you know, so the hard part with writing is that, you know, I’m in California and the other guys are in Tennessee, so we’re pretty far apart. So it’s like I can’t be in the room with them necessarily all the time when they’re writing stuff.

So we kind of did a lot of like sending back and forth ideas to each other and stuff like that. So a lot of times you’d be like, OK, like we have these riffs and then I write some drums to the riffs, send it back to them, then they send it back and like, oh wait, we actually changed all this. So then I had to write some new stuff, you know, but I, I, I feel like I had a good hand in like kind of helping to shape the direction of, you know, some of the songs through the drums, you know, And when we recorded the drums, we actually recorded them earlier that we wanted to just because it’s the way scheduling worked out. Generally we wanted to record the drums last, right? So like guitars and vocals and everything gets done. Then the drums are the last thing because the drums are the hardest thing to change. So if you write, so if it’s like say you record drums 1st and basically the drums are what they are, it’s really hard to kind of edit them and you can’t really once you record the drums and you tear down on the microphones and move the drums, you can never get it to sound the exact same way again.

Basically it’s varied, you know, dependent on the mics being placed in a perfect spot to get the same exact sound right. So it’s almost impossible if you move them to get them to sound the same, even if it’s in the same drums, same drummer in the same room, It’s like really hard to get it right. So we, like you, would like to record drums last. So then it’s like, OK, the songs are finalized. We have the drums done right. But unfortunately we had to record the drums almost like first actually. So we were still kind of in the process of shaping the songs when we recorded the drums. So it was kind of nice for me, since I wasn’t there to be in the room when a lot of the writing was happening. It was at least was able to be there when we were kind of finalizing a lot of the songs and you know, so I think I kind of was able to help help shape the way some of the things were going because we were doing the drums so early in the recording process. Next album I’m hoping to a record the drums last because it’s still just kind of a pain to do it first.

And then also, I’m hoping to go out there for, like a week or two when we’re writing some stuff and like, be able to be in the room while things are like, just coming up for the first time, you know? Yeah. So we did do some writing on tour, too, but that’s kind of a pain to do, you know? Never, never really feels right, you know, So.


Yeah, that’s great. So with the so you guys have sounds like you’ve already got some ideas for the next album.


Yeah, I’ve heard a refer to I think from Phil. Maybe you had an idea too. But yeah, it’s pretty, you know, I wouldn’t say we’re we’re already working on it, but definitely the plan is to get to it pretty quickly because I think everybody felt like there was way too much time in between Ken and this album, you know, So which I part of that was maybe COVID stuff and you know, you know, life things and stuff, you know, but definitely it won’t be another. I think Ken came out in 20 end of 2021, right? So it’s almost like four years, right? I definitely think we’ll you’ll have another album before that before four years.

So I think hopefully within two years there we’ll have another Chapel album done so.


And have you guys thought about it possibly being a continuation, a concept on this one and its continuation?


I’m not sure. I think sound wise it’ll probably be similar, but it’s honestly it’s too early to tell. You know, it’s we won’t we won’t know until, you know, a we see how the reception is on this album, which has been great so far. So, you know, I don’t see why we wouldn’t kind of continue down this path. But also, you know, you never know when you start writing songs that could go wherever the song wants it to go, you know, versus like, yeah, I don’t know, Who knows? I’d like to think we’re not going to pigeonhole ourselves into like, oh, we’re only going to write this style or whatever, you know, just let it be What what organically happens.


Yeah, and with this album, the process of it, like I know that there was a while between the albums, but was it that they were writing the songs throughout that time? Or was it a very much like within a space of time, like a short space of time that you guys like sat down and went, Oh my God, these are the songs that we want to do or like, was there more of a a gap between?


It took a while. I feel like when we actually were like, all right, like we’re gonna really start writing and like the time between, I was like, OK, we’re really going to like to finish these songs. And by the time, like they say the drums were recorded, it was maybe about six months. But some of the riffs and stuff had been around for at least a year, I think. I think I remember hearing like some of the hymns and dissonance riffs from the title track on maybe when we were on tour with Trivium, which I think was in October of 2020.


Two, I think it was 2.


Maybe, yeah, two or three, Yeah, yeah. So it was a while.

So they, you know, some, you know, at least like it wasn’t very finalized, but at least like some, some baby, baby steps are being taken towards riding for at least a year or so for the for the album. So hopefully, you know, like I said, hopefully we’ll be able to get the next one knocked out a lot quicker. But yeah, we’ll see.


So out of all the songs that have that are on this album, are any ones, any tracks that stand out to you that you feel are going to be like it touched the fans a little bit more than others per SE, or some that resonate more with you than other songs do?


I think the first song prisoner 666 I think will be a a big hit. I think it’s kind of to me, it’s almost like Sawzalla 2 point O kind of sound. You know, it’s like kind of like in that similar style, but yeah, a little bit, you know, heavier, more mature. And then I, I also, I’m a big fan of Mammoth God, I think that one’s going to be, I think people are going to like that one a lot. So that one’s pretty, just a lot of cool ideas in it.


Yeah, no, I do have to agree with that. I really did like that one.


Yeah, I also think the the last song, the I’m blanking on the name right now. Nothing’s coming.


Nothing is coming for any of us. Yeah, yeah.


Nothing is comforting to us. I think people are going to like that one too. It’s a pretty epic end to the album. So I think, and I think I’m pretty sure if that song, I remember Phil said he had like a scream he did in there where he like almost passed out when he did it. So I think people, I think people will like that.


10 No, he was.


Really. Yeah, no.


That that’s, yeah, really, really getting into it with the the vocals and things like that and almost passing out. It’s a great, especially with the concept of the album. It’s fitting. It’s very fitting.

On that note, like as you guys have got a few tour dates coming up and I believe you’ve already played a couple of your songs on a few previous tours, is it going to be with like coming out? Are you planning a tour for the album release? Yeah, so the.


Album comes out on March 7th and we have a tour in the US and Canada with A Brand of Sacrifice, 200, Stab Limbs and Alluvial, and I believe that starts March 16th, 15th, around that time, so like about a week later. And yeah, we’ll play definitely some new songs. So we’ve already played Visceral Wretch and Hymns and Dissonance, and I believe we’re going to play at least two more from the new album. So it’ll probably be a good like quarter or a third of the set will be new songs. And then I think, you know, and then we’ll still bring out some other old ones and stuff like that. Some fan favorites too in there. So we’re not going to do any Oops.


Sorry, OK, we’re not.


Going to do like a full like playing through the album and whole yet at least you know what I mean. So yeah.


And are you going to be adding any extra theatrics or any visuals or anything like that to the stage show? Yeah, we’ve got some.


Ideas for some production stuff? So I’ll leave that a secret for now though, so damn.


It I’ll have to.


Wait and see, you have to come to a show to find out. How about that?


Oh, yeah, no. Just waiting for you guys to announce your tour in Australia and then I’ll be there, yeah.


Hopefully, don’t quote me on it, but hopefully the end of this year, hopefully so by the end of this year, hopefully fingers.


Crossed yes.


Again, off the record, no.


No worries. Yeah. So with the recording of this set as you being the drummer, what drum kit did you actually record on?


So we used Zach the guitar player, his we recorded at his house. Actually, he’s got a studio set up there and we used some of his stuff.

So he’s got several drum sets, like, I don’t know, four or something like that. We kind of like Frankenstein together a drum set. So it was like some, you know, rap some small Toms from 1 drum set, bigger Toms from another drum set, a snare drum from a different drum set. You know, it’s kind of like we kind of just picked the the ones that we thought sounded the best and, and put it together, you know, because when you’re recording an album, it’s not necessarily about like it really we want to use whatever sounds as good as possible, right, to get the best, best sound quality. So, you know, I think it turned out great. The drum sounded pretty awesome. I’m really happy with it. But yeah, so it was all kind of Frankenstein together, which is it’s actually pretty common with recording drums. It’s a lot of times you’ll go to the studio and it’s like, it will do you do. That’s called like a shootout, right. So we took a, I think we had like 5 or 6 snare drums.

So we, we tuned up, got them all miked up, played them, you know, maybe played a groove or something, switched out the drum, played the next ones, same stuff, switched out the drum to the next thing. And then we kind of just like went back and listened to the recordings, you know, but mixed them up. So we didn’t know which one was which. And we picked like which one we thought sounded the best. And then it’s like, oh, OK, that’s the one we’re going to use. And then eventually it’s like, oh, which one is it? Oh, it’s this one actually. So yeah. So that way you can kind of weak kind of get us somewhat of an unbiased opinion, right? Because there’s somewhere it’s like, oh, OK, I think this drum is going to be the one, right? But then you end up we end up recording it and like kind of A and a being with some other drums and it’s like, oh wait, actually the one that I thought was going to be the one we chose, it wasn’t actually my favorite, you know? So yeah, that way we can again really get like the best sounding stuff possible.


Yeah, no, it’s and again kind of is very fitting to the style of the album of playing when a kit that was Frankenstein together. Yeah, sure. Yeah. So with there was a song that I quite enjoyed. It wasn’t even, it was just an instrumental portion.

I’m probably going to pronounce it incorrectly. I do apologize, but X in fairness and it sounded to me like very spiritual and I just wanted to know like behind that track, like what was the like? I know the inspiration is the whole cultists everything but the the instrumental with it. Was there anything used with that song that wasn’t necessarily used throughout the rest of the album? So that.


Song was actually all Zach. Zach did all of that pretty much, I’m pretty sure. But what what we did is that leads into the next song really well. So we definitely had the next song finished and then we kind of took pieces from that to kind of build the instrumental track off of so it would flow into it really well. So yeah, so I don’t think there’s, I mean, there’s sure there’s different sounds and stuff. We wanted to kind of have like a little like interlude slash introduction to the next tune.

But I think stylistically it’s very the the two of them are really like related. To each other, you know, sound wise, yeah. I think there’s maybe some different stuff because that one has a lot more like orchestral kind of percussion instruments and stuff like that that we didn’t really use too much. Really. There’s not too much going on. And we’re, you know, we’re not like a symphonic band or something like that where there’s like tons of like, you know, overlaid stuff on the actual songs themselves. So when you’re hearing like, you know, say like hymns and dissonance, like there’s, you know, sure, there’s like a couple guitar layers and some small production stuff, but we’re not, you know, we play it live. There’s really not too much going on as far as like backing tracks and stuff like that goes. So yeah, so in that instrumental there is, I guess there is a lot of different stuff that you’re going to hear because we don’t normally have that in the songs, right?

But yeah, I think again, like I said, stylistically, I think it’s really related to the next the next track, right? So.


Yeah, no, it like the album flowed very well together. It was, yeah, I think it was like.


To make it like, you know, an album that you can listen to front to back. But also, I think the songs stand on their own too. So. But I do think it’s kind of better when you listen to the whole thing all the way through. Yeah, No.


That’s that’s what I did. I listened to it all the way through and like it. It just, yeah, it flowed so well together that it was like one of those albums that you could listen to it from start to finish or you could have it skipped through kind of thing, like shuffling through the songs. And I think that’s really good with any kind of albums, especially in the day and age that we live in now where everything’s online. And a lot of people, when they play their music, they just put it on shuffle. Because sometimes when you listen to a song and you can hear that it’s meant to lead into another song. And then you’ve got your music on shuffle and then something random starts playing and you’re just like, oh, well, now I want to go and listen to the whole thing. But it’s. This is one of those albums where it’s like it flows so well together, but it can also be broken up. Yeah, we.


Really tried our best to make an album that’s a complete package but also has good individual songs but also has small like TikTok able moments, you know what I mean that’s important nowadays it’s like oh like this like 10 to 15 second clip that makes people like want to listen to your song, right. So we tried our best to really make it as good as possible and all of those different no matter how you listen to it, hopefully you know that there’s something good going on there. So and I would like to think we were successful so hopefully.


I can I can confirm? I can confirm. I love that you mentioned like the whole tiktokable moment. Are you guys going to post any tik toks, do some dances to your songs or anything? I.


Don’t know about that, but yeah, yeah, maybe, maybe it’s not a bad idea.

We got to get the memes up our a little bit.


You know, yeah, so sorry, I think I’ve, I’ve pretty much gone through most of my questions. I’ve kind of yeah, No, I I think it’s a, it’s a very straightforward, like the concept of the album. I love the idea. It’s really, really great. The way that it’s reflected the lyrics with the like the concept is absolutely amazing. And now I’ve I’ve got the question to my answer. It’s backwards. So now I’m going to have to go back and listen to it backwards. So that’s really interesting. I thought it was like, to me personally, I thought it was like a, a dialect of like Celtic or Nordic kind of vibe. But it turns out it’s just backwards, yeah.


Just backwards English. Well, I think it’s cool because you know, you always hear about like people are like, Oh yeah, like these metal bands, they, they hit hide messages if you play it backwards or something. But it’s like, I don’t know. I mean, I’m sure people have done it before, but we actually did it this time, so.


Yeah, no, like that party in Little Nicky where it’s like, Oh no, Ozzy doesn’t say anything backwards. But if you listen to this song, which was like, I can’t remember what it was, the album that he played backwards and it just, it ended up like saying like, oh, hail Satan or something like.


It wasn’t even like a metal song too, right? I can’t, no.


It was like it was a like a musical or something. Yeah, I can’t remember that.


Movie in a long time, but that’s a classic one that.


Is yeah, I know. And you guys have actually done it, which is absolutely amazing. It kind of brings up pop culture aspect into it of like people back in the day thinking that there were secret messages behind those songs and there was no secrets in messages behind songs back in the day. They they put it in the lyrics. Exactly.


Yeah, yeah, it’s nothing and it seems like.


Yeah, and it seems like with this album, that’s exactly what you guys have done. It’s nothing’s hidden.

Everything is in the lyrics apart from that song, which you can say play that backwards, but yeah, everything is in there and it’s there. It’s there’s nothing hidden. And I love that idea about the music and the lyrics with this one. It’s very much yeah. And the fact that it’s gone back to the original roots of where Whitechapel started, it’s just, it’s amazing. And like a lot of people are so excited for it to come out. And, and I’ve said to them, I’m like, I think if you like, if you’ve been a long time fan of White Chapel, it’s going to be one of those albums that you’re just going to be like, wow.


Yeah, I think so too. I think I, I personally think if you’ve been a fan of White Chapel and you like, you know, the old stuff, you like the new stuff, I think there’s going to be something for you in there, you know what I mean? And even if I think if you haven’t liked the band, hopefully you know, there’s some new stuff in there too that that you’re going to like. So yeah.


Is there anything else that you want to say to the fans or any other like tidbits or little stories that you may have behind the album?


No, I mean, just thanks for listening. Thanks for supporting us. You know, like I said, I think everybody’s going to like it. I’m really excited for everybody to hear the rest of it. You’ve heard the whole album, right? So. So hopefully, you know, you can, you can testify that is good. And then, yeah, just come, come see the show. You know, we’re going to confirm dates. We have the US, Canada tour in March, like I said. And then also we’re going to be in Europe in June doing some festivals and probably, I’m sure some headlining shows there too. And then there will be some other stuff coming later this year. So fingers.


Crossed Australia is on that list because I know that there’s a lot of people here that are excited to come and see you guys again. It’s been since 2013 and we were.


There 2023 actually, yeah 20000.


Sorry, 2023 is what I meant to say. I apologize.


Yeah, good. We were actually joking because like, I think before that though, it had been like at least 10 years or something. So yeah, sound.


Wave, I think it was, yeah.


Probably, yeah. We were joking about that. Like, yeah, we always like go to some place and we play and everybody loves it and it’s amazing that we never go there again, you know? So we’re joking about hopefully we need to keep, keep going back, you know, try to like make it to Australia at least, like every other year. You know, I think they did the same thing in Asia, too. They went to Asia and to China and Japan one time and then never went back. So hopefully, you know, be able to make it out here, you know? So, yeah. So, yeah, so that.


Asia, Asia Pacific side of the The tour needs to happen, that’s for sure. Yes.


Yes, definitely we will make yeah.


No. Awesome.

All right, Yeah, I’ve, yeah, got nothing else to ask. I think that was that’s everything. Yeah. Hopefully I.


Answered your questions well, yeah.


It’s, it’s one of those ones where it’s just, yeah, ’cause you have, you’ve only been in the band for a little bit. So a few of my questions are like, based on like the process of the songwriting from previous albums, but yeah.


But I wasn’t there.


So, yeah, so I tried to keep it very much to the point of like around you and around your inspiration with it and everything. So that’s good. But yeah, it’s yeah, I, I do look forward to it. I’ve yeah, from what I’ve heard, I’m really looking forward to seeing what other people have to say about it as well. But from what I’ve spoken to people about like is when I do my research, I don’t just do my research based on the band.

I go out and I ask people about the band and how they feel about them and what their favorite song was from them or favorite era or album. And I always like getting that personal touch in regards to just the background behind things because it’s like I can have my own opinion, but it’s always good to have like an array of different opinions, yeah.


Totally. Yeah.


Yeah, from what I’ve heard, I think that this is going to this album is going to be taken very, very well with older fans. And chances are you’re going to get some newer fans with this album as well. Like, yeah, I, I’ve, I’ve done a couple of shows this year that have older bands that have a very older generation of fans. And then the young, the kids rock up, the 18 and 19 year olds rock up to these shows because of the last album that they released. And it was like, wow. Like, it’s absolutely amazing just to see how music from a band that’s been around for a very long time and they come.

A huge thanks to Brandon for taking the time to chat with us, WHITECHAPEL’s ‘Hymns in Dissonance’ drops on the 7th of March 2025, with pre-orders available here.