Cover shot – THY ART IS MURDER
Australia’s Deathcore bulldozer THY ART IS MURDER have teamed up with Built to Spill Wine to bring you: PUREST STRAIN OF GRAPE
“Absolved of the light I am the Purest Strain of Grape! Legends of heavy deathcore the world over, Thy Art Is Murder don’t mind a dabble in the finer things in life like good wine, good food and sneakers. There is something all together very death metal about the winemaking process, crushing flesh, skin macerated in its own juice, wild fermentation by unholy yeasts that haunt the winery. So doing a wine with Thy Art Is Murder and Konpira Maru was a match made in hell.666 different varietals from Kilmore and Whitlands make up the DNA of this wine, an entirely crushable red that can handle a chill before you spill. Al describes this as a “dry red” but it is so much more than that, the high quality fruit comes from the executive suite of Victoria’s finest. What does it taste like? It’s cranberries and dark cherry skins, cacao nib and plenty of crunchy fresh acid. “
Purest Strain Of Grape comes in a bundle with a copy of Thy Art Is Murder’s latest record Human Target, get yours over at Built To Spill
You can keep up to date with THY ART IS MURDER on social media